The Results

Picture from November 8th - Election Night

The results of the election did not go the way we wanted, but we were still able to celebrate the accomplishments with family and friends on election night!

I want to say thank you to all the voters, to everyone who contributed their time, energy, and resources to make this campaign possible. Through your efforts, we were able to connect with thousands of voters across District 2 and elevate numerous critical policies in the public discussion. And I take immense pride in the fact that my campaign was funded by concerned and engaged citizens from across North Alabama.

I want to thank my husband, Larry for holding everything together at home and at the office during this campaign. I want to also thank my family because each of you played an important part in this process.

I have to give a huge thank you to my campaign team - RedClay Strategies. April Hodges, Jackie Svehlak, Aaron McNully, Matthew Hodges and Lisa Handback - I could not have done this without you. I can’t thank you enough for being with me through these months. You all are now part of the Caudle-Lewis family! (Fish Fry coming soon )

The results only serve to deepen my commitment to this community and to work for progress for every person in North Alabama.

Now it is time for all of us to rest, recover, and then renew our fight to make a real impact in North Alabama and across this state!

I'm sure I will see you soon somewhere in the community.

Love you all,


More Photos -


PROJECTXYZ 20th Anniversary and Holiday Party


SheBoss with Kim Caudle Lewis